
Preparing for your service appointment.

Please review how you can help us provide the best service possible by preparing your lawn before we arrive . Please call if you have any questions.

Prior to Aeration

  • Flag/mark any hidden objects in your lawn, such as sprinkler heads, in-ground lights, invisible fences, valve box covers, etc. Aerascape is not responsible for accidental damage to hard-to-see objects in the lawn that are left unmarked.

  • If you know of any objects close to your property line, please make sure to flag/mark or notify us before the service.

  • To locate sprinkler heads, turn your system on and place a flag/mark wherever a sprinkler head pops up.

If you will not be able to flag/mark sprinkler heads or other objects yourself, please let us know. We can flag these with advanced notice.


  • Make sure the soil is moist enough. Soil that is dry is difficult to get quality, deeper aeration. Watering your lawn the day before is highly recommended if the soil conditions are dry.

  • Try to mow one or two days before your service time. We recommend you set the mowing height to 1-1/2″ to 2”. Mowing low makes both aeration and seeding more effective. Please add mowing to your service if you would like us to mow prior to aeration.

  • Clean up any leaves, dog poop, trash or other debris which might interfere with the aeration. This also applies to lawn mowing services.

Water thoroughly following any fertilizer/Revive application. Safe for kids and pets after fertilizer has been watered in and grass is dry to the touch.

Please email or give us a call if you have any questions or concerns.